✨ Our new ticket sales feature is here! Book a demo to see how it works.

Tailor your experience with Ventla

With Ventla, your experience is in your hands. Start simple or dream big, and scale as you go. Need more features or seats? Just add on. Want continuous engagement? Opt for our evergreen access. Whatever you choose, our dedicated team is always here, ready to support you every step of the way.

One-Time Experience

You'll have access to our platform for three months, giving you ample time to plan and execute your unique gathering.
Set the size of your experience based on seats.
Book a demo

Ventla Subscription

Create experiences throughout the year as your business needs expand, you can add more seats.
Starting with 500 seats.
Book a demo

White Label

Elevate your brand's presence from the get-go with our white label solution. Enjoy your own native app on smartphone screens, equipped with all the exceptional features and capabilities of the Ventla platform.
Can be added to both single and Subscription
Contact sales
One-Time Experience
Book a demo
Ventla Subscription
Book a demo
Number of activations
Number of admins - basic set-up (can be adjusted)
Number of participants - starting point
White Label
Native app iOS & Android
Web app/platform
Data portal
Admin platform
Knowledge base
Onboarding workshop (2 hours)
Support chat and email
Customize menu names
Default Language (same as Phone setting)
Lock event to one Language
Customize colors
App logo
Event logo
Retains information without internet connection
Push notifications without SMS
Custom registration path
Registration link expiration date
Max number of registrations
Event access open date
Event location
Location map
Option to require invitation to register
Create banners
QR-code and text URL to the event
Top navigation
Background image
Background video
Registration page - template
Customizable form and fields
Conditional sub questions
Required questions
Email template
Email credits
Invite email
Confirmation email
Reminder email
Import participant list
Export participant list
Send custom email to participants depending on status
Create groups based on registration responses
Limit participants per response option
Responses to be shown in My Information in the App/platform
Upload/export program via xls
Create program items inc Locations and Map
Customizable icons
Tags, categories
Video pre-recorded (up to 10 min videos Free)
1 LIVE stream per program item
Feed Live stream from YouTube, Zoom, Microsoft
Filter on tags
My program feature with automatic reminders
Personalize program according to Groups
Link to speakers
Link to sponsors/partners
Link to PDFs
Session Questions (for QA to speakers)
Evaluation Questions - Star rating or Open answer
Timzone selection between local to user or event time zone
Organize information in folders
Create information by type text, PDF, Webpage, video
Link to program items/sessions
Link to participant profile; for speaker and sponsor set up
Perzonalize information distribution based on Groups
Customizable icons
Attach folders to navigation for quick selection
Link to website opens within the app
Create dialogue items (interactivity and engagement features)
Connect push notifications to a dialogue item
Information message
Single choice
Multiple choice
Text input
Pick correct answer
Rank option
Scale statements
Allow single or multiple responses
Make anonymous or not
Show results in app
Show results on stage / screen
Show results in PPT - via PPT plug-in
Perzonalize notifications per Group
Perzonalize notifications per Interest area
Include image in dialogue item
Schedule items to be published
Schedule push notifications
Password protect dialogue items
Link to program or information item
Organize dialogue items in folders
Export results to xls
Unpublish, remove dialogue items from participant view
Design up to 8 themes with background image and custom color graphs
Create survey/quiz using polling types (see above)
Include image
Include text
Distribute to all or to groups
Schedule distribution
Connect push notification to survey
Export results to xls
Participant profile features
Build profile image, bio text, phone no, email, website, social media links
Connection with LinkedIn for simple profile population
Start Chat
Add as Contact to your Phone
Add to Groups
Filter on Interests
Match "People like me"
Distribute paticipants randomly in groups (table placement etc)
Check-in to event
Import participants from other events
Import participants from xls
Automated participant list from Ventla Invite
My information - populated through Ventla Invite or xls
My information can use basic HTML for added features
Create interest areas for filter
Option to hide email
Option to not display participants
App admins/organiser to add images
Display images formats Jpeg & png
Rearange order of images
Rename image name
Bulk import
Participants can add posts text or image
Comment on posts
Like posts
Interactions with posts are shown under "alerts"
Admins can promote images to Image gallery
Admins can moderate social feed
12 Set rules
Toggle on or off
Adjust points
Real-time Leaderboard
Admins can clear leaderboard
Show webcam
Share screen
Record stream
Download recorded stream
Restrict access to only people with ticket
Multiple streams at one event
Show numbers of viewers
Multiple presenters in same stream

At Ventla we work according to the requirements and recommendations provided by SOC2 and GDPR from a product as well as an organizational standpoint.

We follow the requirements put forward in the GDPR regulation, included but not limited to:

Clear definitions of what data we process and why.
Where data is stored and how it is protected.
Assignation of DPO and customer data subject rights.
We implement and continuously monitor the status of all the privacy trust service criteria from SOC2.

We implement 150 security controls spanning 5 trust service criteria as defined in SOC2 framework.

This includes but is not limited to:
Cloud environment security, encryption and protection data, Secure software development processes, management of employee assets and end-point security, annual external penetration tests, clear roles and responsibilities, security training for all personnel and yearly employee reviews of our security policies.
We follow CIS best practices for cloud security.

We continuously monitor our compliance towards our security and privacy commitments.
Real time status of our compliance efforts as well as associated security policies can be reviewed at:



How "seats" work for administrators on Ventla

Imagine you're planning an event: you hope for 1,000 attendees, but what if only 200 sign up? That's where our 'seats' model comes in handy. You only pay for those 200 who show real interest. It's like inviting a crowd but only providing chairs for those who RSVP.
Want to host more events? No problem, add more seats whenever you need.
Manage everything with ease, no matter how big or small your gathering is.
Invest in people and make every event more meaningful and cost-effective.

Few questions

Can't find the answer here? We'd be happy to answer them.
Contact us
Let's say the same person attends two events. That would count as two participants (seats). So it's the accumulated number of participants during your subscription term.
It is the max number of people per session for an event, conference or other happenings. The max is based on your contract, standard is 500 participants, if you want more we can add that in your contract.
Let's use an example. You have an IT, sales and marketing department. Each admin can only create, access, and change stuff specific to their department without affecting others.
Easily send a link to moderators to open the streaming studio and allow speakers to test the studio 24 hours before the stream starts.
You have multiple ways to stream live in Ventla. You can also create On demand video. We are happy to share the different options and what options that come at a cost. Contact us!
You can reach out to us anytime at hello@ventla.io. We are here for you and are happy to share tips and advice to support your success with anything you are planning!
Ventla Invite, the module for invitations and registration is an add on for both Single events and Subscriptions. Invite matches your set up, so with subsciptions it becomes unlimited and based on seats. Contact us and we will tell you more!
Our greatest achievements stem directly from the successes of our customers
North America
201 W. 5th Street, TX 78701
Austin, USA
+1 224-585-9844
Berghs House
Bobergsgatan 48, 115 42
Stockholm, Sweden
+46 8-831-844
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